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Tech Help Center

As a reminder, our eCLASS provider D2L is used by K12 and higher education institutions across the country and throughout the world. We anticipate that we could experience some slowness in our tool as usage everywhere increases.

Minimum Tech Requirements


Older devices may not be able to load the programs needed for students to use eCLASS and Google Classroom.

Device Options


Device Recommendations




Pulse App (eCLASS on the Go)

StudentVUE App (Student Grades, Schedules, and More)



StudentVUE App


StudentVUE App for GCPS Students





Access to YouTube through a student's GCPS G Suite account is for academic use only.

Student Directions (must be logged into the student's GCPS G Suite account to view)


Zoom (Video Conferencing)


Tip: Please make sure to download Zoom instead of trying to use the web browser.

Zoom Download Center

Zoom Directions for Students

Zoom on School Chromebooks