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Title I

What Is Title I?

 Title I is a federal funded program resulting from the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Title I provides funds to schools and districts based upon the percentage of students qualifying
to receive free or reduced price (school) meals. 
The purpose is to ensure that all children have access to quality instruction 
and resources that will enable them to meet state academic standards.

Each Title I School is required to host workshops/trainings for parents that
focus upon the academic needs of the students. 
While many of these workshops/trainings occur during daytime hours, others are held in the evenings. 
Additionally, these workshops/trainings are repeated, based upon attendance and parent requests. 
Interpreters (for Spanish speaking parents) and childcare are often available.

For more information about Title I and Gwinnett County Public Schools,
please visit the Gwinnett County Public School website.

Parents have the right to request information about the degree and qualifications of their child's teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s), if applicable.  Please refer to the GCPS Student-Parent Handbook or contact your school's principal for more information. 

Los padres tienen derecho a solicitar información sobre el título y las calificaciones del maestro(s) y paraprofesional(es) de su hijo, si corresponde.  Consulte el Manual para Padres y Estudiantes de GCPS o comuníquese con el Director de su escuela para obtener más información.

Ferguson School Title I Committee
Come Join Our TEAM!!

For more information, please contact 
Ferguson Elementary at 